Oniniwa Tsunamoto (鬼庭綱元)

Tsunamoto ONINIWA (1549 - July 13, 1640) was a busho (Japanese military commander) of the Date clan.

His father was Yoshinao ONINIWA. His children were Yoshimoto MONIWA and Sanemoto MONIWA. He was the younger paternal half-brother of Kita KATAKURA, and Kagetsuna KATAKURA was the younger maternal half-brother of his younger paternal half-sister.

He is though to have descended from the Saito clan (the Fujiwara clan of Echizen Province). According to tradition, Motoyoshi SAITO (the son of Morifusa [Sanetoshi] and grandchild of 内蔵人行元 and Sanemori SAITO), who was a local samurai from Yase in Yamashiro Province, moved to Moniwa Village, Date County (present Moniwa, Izaka-cho, Fukushima City). He started to call his clan the Oniniwa (literally, "the garden of the demon") clan after he defeated a monstrous 8-headed snake called Yawatanoorochi.


In 1585, Tsunamoto ONINIWA inherited the position as head of the family when his father was killed in the Battle of Hitotoribashi. Tsunamoto was highly trusted by Masamune DATE and Kojuro-Kagetsuna, a relative of his. He also had fine administrative skills, which meant that he became a bugyo (magistrate) ahead of more senior vassals at the age of 38 in 1586. He was put in charge of Domeki-jo Castle in 1588.

In 1590, when Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI suspected lord Masamune of rebellion, Tsunamoto traveled to Kyoto in his defense. It was at this time that Hideyoshi became pleased with Tsunamoto's talent and had him marry his concubine Otane (Ko no Mae). However, this was done without Masamune's permission, causing him to become enraged and forcing Tsunamoto to abscond in 1595.

Following this, he joined the Nagoya camp during the Kasai-Osaki-ikki (the revolt of the former retainers of the Kasai clan and the Osaki clan) and the Bunroku campaign under the order of Masamune. When Masamune's shochoshi (the eldest child born out of wedlock) Hidemune DATE was transferred to the Uwajima Domain of Iyo Province, he was appointed by Masamune to assist Hidemune and direct domain duties. Tsunamoto was sort of an administrative officer with the confidence of the Date clan.

In 1600, he attacked Yugawara-jo Castle in Uesugi's territory by the order of Masamune DATE.

When he stayed in Nagoya during the Bunroku campaign, Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI said the surname 'Oniniwa' was believed to bring bad luck, so his surname was changed from Oniniwa to Moniwa. Moniwa-cho which remains in Kurihara City is the land which became the chigyo-chi (territory) of Tsunamoto MONIWA after the forced relocation of Masamune DATE.

[Original Japanese]